Strategic partnership between two healthcare and biotech powerhouses

BioWin and MEDVIA sign first strategic collaboration between clusters in Wallonia and Flanders.

BioWin, the health cluster of Wallonia, and MEDVIA, the health innovation cluster of Flanders, have announced a strategic partnership to foster innovation and cross-border collaboration in the Belgian health sector. This is the first agreement of its kind to be signed between a Walloon and a Flemish cluster.

BioWin and MEDVIA’s members include a broad range of stakeholders in the healthcare ecosystem ­– academic and clinical research laboratories, approved research centers, large industrial groups, SMEs, service providers, higher education colleges and universities, incubators, investors, authorities and associated administrations.

BioWin represents 18,500 employees, with 260 members, including 140 innovative industrial companies, five academic institutions and six research centers. MEDVIA represents 150 members, including six academic institutions, seven hospitals and 80 companies with R&D activities. Both clusters are poised to leverage their collective strengths for mutual growth and advancement.

Through this agreement, BioWin and MEDVIA will address challenges jointly and align funding streams to create joint projects between Walloon and Flemish companies, by facilitating relationships between key stakeholders in both regions, including governments, companies, research institutes and hospitals.

The two health clusters aim to further develop Belgium’s vibrant healthtech ecosystem by utilizing each other’s strengths to increase the quality of science across the regions, create jobs and grow company valuations, and attract international investors, while developing drugs and medical devices that have a real and positive impact on patients’ lives.

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